Project details:

CWA completed the conceptual and detailed design of the rail yard expansion at Vanscoy Potash Operations as part of a larger mine and plant expansion. The rail yard expansion project included the addition of rail car storage tracks and a run-around spur line.

CWA was responsible for:

  • The detailed civil design, detailed lighting design, and rail alignments.
  • Providing technical support for the construction of civil works.
  • Providing technical support for the track installation.
  • Preparing a Class 2 capital cost estimate and a detailed construction schedule.


CWA conducted an optimization study and logistics simulation to investigate alternative rail yard configurations and consider improvements to the performance of the rail handling and load-out systems. A final concept and track layouts were prepared based on the outcome of the optimization study.

CWA coordinated the detailed design of the rail yard expansion and was responsible for providing technical assistance during construction, including responses to contractor inquiries and field reviews and inspections for the civil, track, and electrical components of the project. CWA also performed reviews of the civil surfaces and quantities provided by the contractor.