2023 Mining for Miracles Sets All-Time Fundraising Record

It surely has been a memorable BC Mining Month!

A Mining for Miracles Milestone

The 2023 Mining for Miracles Pie Throw fundraiser competition ended on May 25th, having achieved an all-time record for the highest grand-total amount ever raised in the 30-year history of the fundraising event. A total of $1.915 million was raised to support the BC Children’s Hospital Precision Health Initiative (PHI), which represents state-of-the-art medical research.

Mining for Miracles’ Pledge

In 2023, Mining for Miracles launched their three-year commitment to raise $3.58 million to support BC Children’s Hospital’s Precision Health Initiative, which will improve BC Children’s Hospital’s ability to provide answers for children with previously undiagnosed conditions, offering new information and hope to children and families who have often been on a long and difficult diagnostic odyssey. One-hundred percent of the funds raised will go directly towards the research initiative. Learn more here.

The Results are In

The  competition concluded on May 25th. Thank you to everyone who donated to support BC Children’s Hospital and make it possible for BCCH to provide the best possible health care and hope to BC’s kids.

This year CWA individually raised a total of $20,720, the eight Engineering Battle Royale competitors raised a combined total of $90,940, and as a group, all 32 participants raised a grand total of $1.915 million — an all time record for grand total donations in all the years of the Mining for Miracles competition!

The Pies will Fly

The pies will fly over three action-packed days, starting on Wednesday, June 14th until Friday, June 16th. The three-part video series will be shared on M4M’s social media channels and on www.miningformiracles.ca. Follow Mining for Miracles on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Thank you for your generosity and for helping BC’s kids shine!